Life of Abraham Guide

This reading guide was created back in the summer of 2016 when we preached through the life of Abraham (Genesis 12-25). These chapters in the Bible are rich with history, theology, and insights into our own lives. This guide is designed to give you a simple plan for reading, studying, and reflecting on the Scriptures.

The guide creates three touch points throughout the week leading up to Sunday’s sermon. It doesn’t matter what three days of the week you do the reading plan (Monday, Wednesday, Friday perhaps) as long as you focus on the chapter assigned for that specific week. Here’s the flow for each week: 

  • Day 1: Read the chapter. (That’s it. Five minutes. You could probably read it twice). 
  • Day 2: Read the chapter and answer a few questions designed to help you dig deeper in the text. 
  • Day 3: Read the chapter and answer a few questions designed to help you reflect and apply what you are learning personally. 
  • Following Sunday: Listen to the sermon for that week as our pastors teach on the chapter you have just studied throughout the week. 

We pray that this guide would help you meditate on God’s word and that the story of Abraham would come alive to you in new and profound ways.

Discipleship Conversation Guide

This is a simple guide to help deepen discipleship type conversations within a church or small group. These guided conversations are broken down into 5 key areas of discipleship: finances, spiritual disciplines, confession and repentance, relationships, and mission.

Leadership Assessment

We wouldn’t use the term “leader” or “leadership” to describe a position, but rather to capture the reality of someone’s influence on people, culture, or an organization. So, our desire is to develop a culture in which every person takes appropriate levels of responsibility for others and faithfully exercises their gifts for the cause of the gospel. This is basic to God’s calling for every person. Beyond that, however, our vision for church will require people to lead in specific roles of kingdom work, church office, and church planting. God has called us to a mission, and a primary means that He has ordained for the task is men and women who lead.

Our grid for assessing and training leaders consists of three parts: character, competency, and compatibility. The following assessments are designed to give someone a starting point for thinking about their strengths and weaknesses in these areas.

Inductive Bible Study

At the beginning of each year, the men and women of our church gather to study a particular section (or book) of the Bible together. And every year, we use this simple, but effective method to guide our time together.

Studying the Bible is a process. And our tendency is to jump to the end of the process: How do I respond to this? But in order to properly apply Scripture, we first have to see what it is saying and what it means. Using this three step approach (observation, interpretation, and application), anyone can deepen their study of and love for God’s Word.

Why We Use Liturgy in Worship

Why do we follow a covenant renewal pattern of worship on Sundays with a structured liturgy? Bob Thune, pastor of Coram Deo in Omaha, Nebraska, answers this question by showing that liturgy is biblical, historical, formative, and missional. Our service at Providence takes the same shape as Coram Deo, our sending church. This is a helpful read for all Christians, and certainly those who will regularly attend our church because it explains how we conceive of our Sunday gathering and why we structure our service the way that we do.

The Gospel and Your Money

The gospel compels us towards faithful stewardship – living simply and giving generously – because we have our deepest needs met in Jesus. Part of membership in a local church includes giving to the mission of God in and through that church. The following article, from Tim Keller, is a great explanation and picture of living out faithful stewardship as disciples of Jesus. This is part of the required reading in our membership process.