Gospel-Centered Change
Providence Recovery is a Christian recovery program for those who struggle with things like alcoholism, substance abuse, pornography, sex addiction, lust, anger, anxiety, and control/codependency. We work together to uproot sin and exhort each other to holiness within a confidential community. The only requirement for involvement is a desire to work through the steps of a Christian recovery program.
Email Recovery TeamStructure
Providence Recovery is a Christian, twelve-step, peer-to-peer recovery program.
We are a Christian recovery program, meaning our understanding of a “higher power” is the triune God as revealed in the Bible. (If you’re still not sure what you believe about that, it’s still okay to attend).
Twelve Step
We use a 12-step recovery program. Our approach is based loosely on the 12 steps pioneered by fellowships like Alcoholics Anonymous®. In our experience, 12-step recovery is a practical framework for applying Christian practices and principles to all areas of our lives.
We are a lay recovery ministry, with members encouraging one another by sharing their experience, strength, and hope. No one serves in an official teaching or counseling capacity, though more experienced members are responsible for showing newcomers how to work the 12 steps.
The model of Christian recovery has worked for us in dealing with patterns of sin – and the idolatry lurking beneath those patterns. It has also brought us great joy and lasting contentment by helping us grow closer to God.
Recovery Book
We use a short book that explores some of the fundamental principles of Christian growth in the format of a 12-step program. The twelve steps laid out in this book are a simple yet comprehensive way to rigorously apply Jesus’s core teachings about powerlessness, humility, dependence on God, confession, prayer, reconciliation, and service to others. These steps are a way of saying, “I can’t fix myself, but God can. Seek him first and these other things will be added.” We have found the commitment to working these steps to be instrumental in experiencing true and lasting growth in the Christian life.
You can order a printed copy of the book over on Amazon or you can download a free PDF copy.
Our meetings are a place for newcomers to get connected with the recovery community, as well as find a sponsor (someone to help them work the steps). They are very similar to non-Christian 12-step meetings.
At our meetings, someone will bring a 12-step related topic from our basic text, and then we will take turns sharing our experience on that topic. When everyone has had a chance to share, we will open the meeting up to general discussion, called “cross talk,” for people to invite input on specific issues.
Who attends and what is said is kept strictly confidential.
Meeting Details
Thursdays at 7:00PM
University Avenue Church of Christ (1903 University Ave). You can park in the north lot attached to the building. Meetings are held in the Activity Center, which is right by the parking lot entrance.
Email the Recovery team for details.