Providence Kids

Growing Kids up in the Gospel
We come alongside parents to help kids “grow up in the gospel.” Our aim is to create a relaxed and fun environment where kids can experience God’s love and learn how the whole Bible leads us to Jesus. We would love to have your family worship with us!
Visit One SundayStructure
Our children’s ministry is organized in two developmental age groups …
Kids (0-3rd Grade)
In Providence Kids, we are geared towards teaching our kids the grand story of the gospel. The Gospel Project for Kids tells the story of Jesus and His mission to seek out and restore lost people to God. Kids learn how each part of the Bible leads us to Jesus (Luke 24:27). From cover to cover, Jesus is the hero of the story!
PK meets every week during the worship service to hear the Bible story for that week, sing songs, and do fun crafts and activities.
Torch (4th-5th Grade)
This is an important period of transition and maturity for kids. We want our Torch students to be rooted in what Christians believe as they head into their Middle School years. We do this by utilizing the New City Catechism, a modern catechism designed to help children learn the core doctrines of the faith.
Torch meets every other week during the sermon for an age-appropriate lesson and discussion.
Safety Measures
Safety is a priority! All our children’s volunteers are subject to a background check and go through our basic training process, while one of our site coordinators helps to maintain proper adult-to-child ratios in each classroom. Additionally, there is an armed Travis County security officer present every Sunday.
Sign up to Volunteer
PK check-in is from 10:05-10:40am down the stairs in the sanctuary foyer. If it’s your first time, you can add your child(ren) to our system now to help things go smoothly.
Torch kids attend service each Sunday with their parents and are dismissed before the sermon every other week to join their friends and teachers.
If you would like to know more about PK and/or Torch, please email Haley.
Haley Byrnes
Providence Kids Director
“We believe that church is family, and kids make families so much more fun! As our littlest ones grow and develop through childhood, their capacity to understand and experience God’s love for them expands. We are committed to partnering with parents to raise our kids up in the gospel. This isn’t always easy, but it is absolutely worth it. If there is a way we can support your child, or if you’d like to start serving in Providence Kids, please reach out. I’d love to connect with you!”
What can I expect on my first visit?
How do I check my child in on Sundays?
What curriculum do you use in Providence Kids?
How do you prioritize safety?
How can I start serving in Providence Kids?
Is there a dedicated room for nursing mothers?
Providence Kids Resources
Gospel Centered Parenting
May 15, 2023
Our Practice of Baptizing Children
October 12, 2021
How Kids and Parents Walk in Love
February 17, 2019
Christ-Centered Parenting
May 1, 2016