Life of David Guide

May 16, 2019

This reading guide was created back in the summer of 2019 when we preached through the life of David (1 Sam. 16 – 2 Sam. 22). David is one of the most familiar people in the whole Bible and really in all of human history. His rise to the throne and his reign as king is a story that is more riveting than anything you could ever read in a novel or see on Netflix. It’s a story that has it all: courage, conspiracy, romance, friendship, heroism, betrayal, unlikely twists, deep lament, soaring worship, battle scenes, acts of compassion, and sacrificial love.

But the point of David’s story is not to entertain us. The point is to instruct us about our own lives, to show us the importance of our character and our heart, to convince us of our need for a Savior-King, and ultimately to lead us to Jesus Christ, the Greater King David. How could God call David a man after his own heart, especially given David’s deep flaws and grievous sin? That’s the question we tried to answer in this series as we looked at David’s story together as a church.

The guide creates three touch points throughout the week leading up to Sunday’s sermon. Here’s the flow for each week: 

  • Day 1: Read the chapter. (That’s it. Five minutes. You could probably read it twice).
  • Day 2: Read the chapter and answer a few questions designed to help you dig deeper in the text.
  • Day 3: Read the chapter and answer a few questions designed to help you reflect and apply what you are learning personally.
  • Following Sunday: Listen to the sermon for that week as our pastors teach on the chapter you have just studied throughout the week.

We pray that this guide would help you meditate on God’s word and that God’s covenant faithfulness in the life of David would speak to you in a fresh way.

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