Rest for the Restless
August 11, 2024
Many of us journey through life at full speed, trying to accomplish big things, setting our sights on achievement and success. David says genuine rest can't be had that way. It comes, instead, as we embrace our limits, rest like a child, and hope in the Lord.
Out of the Depths
July 28, 2024
What do we do with our guilt? Psalm 130 teaches us to cry out to, trust in, and wait for the Lord. With him there is forgiveness, steadfast love, and plentiful redemption.
God Restores His People
July 7, 2024
Psalm 126 speaks to us in the desolate places and invites us to sing a song of hope that God will turn our desolate place into a harvest. We can lean into that truth as we remember God's restoration, request it now, and sow in hope God's coming restoration.
Unveiling Persecution
April 28, 2024
The church in Smyrna was being persecuted for their faith, and Jesus tells them that things will get worse. In order to conquer fear and doubt, these Christians needed the same thing that we need today: to catch a glimpse of what Jesus is doing in the midst of suffering. Only then will we find the grace to remain faithful.
Unexpected Glory
March 24, 2024
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the crowds gathered, hoping to see kingly glory. Jesus assured them that glory was coming, but in a form they never would have guessed: they would see the glory of God through the cross of Jesus.
He is the Obedient Servant
December 17, 2023
The third servant song asks us to behold the obedience of the Servant. His obedience is born out of his intimacy with God, endures in the face of suffering, and is sustained through his trust in God's help. We are invited into that same kind of beautiful trust through Jesus, the obedient one!
Freed to Serve a Better Master
October 8, 2023
Are we free to sin now that we're no longer under law but under grace? Paul’s answer is, “No way! Because we are freed to serve a better master."
The Consequences of Sin
July 2, 2023
If God made everything good, why are things so bad? The answer is sin. Sin upends God’s good design and corrupts everything in the world, especially us.
What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?
April 30, 2023
Whether you are new to following Jesus or you have been a believer for a long time, it’s worth returning from time to time to some of the most foundational questions of our faith. In Matthew 4, Jesus gives us some key insight into one such question: What does it mean to be a Christian?
When Life Catches up to You
October 30, 2022
We can all probably remember a time when we felt a sense of newness and excitement in our faith. But inevitably, life has a way of catching up with us. And when it does, we can lose our sense of joy and commitment in our walk with God. What do we do when life catches up to us?
Who Then is This?
November 3, 2024
In this familiar story, Jesus calms a storm. But the main point of the story might not be what you think.
The Parable of the Sower
October 27, 2024
The kingdom of God comes into the world through the Word of God, and bears fruit in those who receive it. Life in the kingdom begins with hearing. Does God’s word stay on the surface of your life or does it take hold of you and change you?
The Crowds and the Called
October 20, 2024
In these two scenes in Mark 3, we see a contrast between the crowds that had gathered around Jesus and the twelve apostles. As we compare these two groups of people, some defining marks of a follower of Jesus emerge.
Lord of the Sabbath
October 13, 2024
There has been increasing tension in Mark between Jesus and the religious leaders. By the end of this passage, they are plotting to kill him. What pushes them over the edge are two incidents related to the Sabbath, specifically what Jesus says about the Sabbath and does on the Sabbath.
He Eats With Sinners
October 6, 2024
No one liked tax collectors, but Jesus befriended them and dined with them. This story teaches us that Jesus draws near to those who know they need him. Whoever thinks he is doing fine will keep him at a distance.
Son, Your Sins Are Forgiven
September 29, 2024
Four men bring their friend to Jesus, presumably to fix their friend’s biggest problem, his paralysis. But Jesus has an even deeper healing in mind.
The Authority of Jesus
September 22, 2024
We generally resist any authority but our own. So, what does it take for people with “authority issues” to come under the Lordship of Jesus? We must see that he has authority over everything, and that he uses his authority for our good.
His Message and His Method
September 15, 2024
As Jesus begins his public ministry in Galilee, Mark immediately shows us the message of Jesus and the method of Jesus. And both of those things are more radical than they seem on the surface.
The Beginning of the Gospel
September 8, 2024
Mark begins the story of Jesus in the wilderness. He is preparing us for a new exodus and a new covenant. If you want to see the real Jesus, you gotta go into the wilderness. It is a place of redemption, repentance, and renewed sonship.
A Vision for Change
September 1, 2024
We all desire to change. And yet, true and lasting change can be quite difficult to achieve. What we need is a biblical understanding of how change works, which is exactly what we find in Philippians 2.
Bless and Be Blessed
August 25, 2024
The Songs of Ascent have taken us on a journey upwards toward Christ. And here at the end, Psalm 134 tells us the point of the whole journey. It tells us what we’re made for. We’re made to bless God and be blessed by God.
Celebrating Community
August 18, 2024
We were made for community. It seems hard to come by, but this psalm assures us that it is possible because of God's blessing and grace through Jesus.
Rest for the Restless
August 11, 2024
Many of us journey through life at full speed, trying to accomplish big things, setting our sights on achievement and success. David says genuine rest can't be had that way. It comes, instead, as we embrace our limits, rest like a child, and hope in the Lord.
Who Then is This?
November 3, 2024
In this familiar story, Jesus calms a storm. But the main point of the story might not be what you think.
Why We Go to Church
June 16, 2024
Christians voluntarily gather for worship every week, all over the world, as they have for 2000 years. Psalm 122 answers the question why: we go because we belong to God, and we belong to God's people.
The LORD is Your Keeper
June 9, 2024
The Christian life is a pilgrimage, a long obedience in the same direction. And on that journey, the LORD is your keeper. But what does that mean and how is it possible?
The Lukewarm Church
June 2, 2024
In the last of the seven letters to the seven churches, Jesus delivers the harshest rebuke yet. They are lukewarm and in danger of being rejected. But then, he makes the most incomparable offer: he invites them into intimate fellowship. This letter shows us what kind of relationship Jesus wants with us and how that can turn our whole life upside down.
Rest for the Restless
August 11, 2024
Many of us journey through life at full speed, trying to accomplish big things, setting our sights on achievement and success. David says genuine rest can't be had that way. It comes, instead, as we embrace our limits, rest like a child, and hope in the Lord.
God Restores His People
July 7, 2024
Psalm 126 speaks to us in the desolate places and invites us to sing a song of hope that God will turn our desolate place into a harvest. We can lean into that truth as we remember God's restoration, request it now, and sow in hope God's coming restoration.
Confidence in God
June 30, 2024
If we trust in ourselves and our resources, we will eventually falter, but those who trust in the Lord cannot be moved. They can rest secure in his sovereign love.
Living in Hostile Territory
June 23, 2024
What do we do when we feel like the world we’re living in is not our home? When we feel like exiles in a land that’s hostile toward the things of God? Psalm 120 expresses distress over the way of the world and cries out to God for help.
Enduring Faithfulness
May 26, 2024
The church in Philadelphia is described as having "but little power." And yet, out of all these seven churches, it is this weak and vulnerable church that is held up as the one that is loved by Christ. This letter to the church in Philadelphia teaches us an important lesson about what God values in the lives of his people.
Out of the Depths
July 28, 2024
What do we do with our guilt? Psalm 130 teaches us to cry out to, trust in, and wait for the Lord. With him there is forgiveness, steadfast love, and plentiful redemption.
Unless the LORD Builds the House
July 14, 2024
This psalm addresses two aspects of human life that people have always cared about: work and family. It shows us that, without God, those things end up being pointless and fruitless.
The Beginning of the Gospel
September 8, 2024
Mark begins the story of Jesus in the wilderness. He is preparing us for a new exodus and a new covenant. If you want to see the real Jesus, you gotta go into the wilderness. It is a place of redemption, repentance, and renewed sonship.